Largest display of LEGO® Star Wars™ minifigures
LEGO Group
36,440 total number
Estados Unidos (Chicago)

The largest display of LEGO® Star Wars™ minifigures is 36,440, and was achieved by LEGO® Group (USA), at the 2019 Star Wars Celebration in Chicago, Illinois, USA, on 11 April 2019.

LEGO Group took on to break this record title as a stunning visual celebration of the twentieth anniversary of LEGO’s partnership with Star Wars. The display consists entirely of LEGO Star Wars Stormtrooper minifigures from the new twentieth anniversary commemorative building set, the Imperial Dropship, and was designed to reflect the shape of a Stormtrooper helmet. The final display measures 6.93 m (22 ft 9 in) wide by 6.88 m (22 ft 7 in) tall. The display took a team of 12 people 38 hours to build, with 16 of those hours spent simply assembling the individual minifigures.