Most generations of one family to skydive simultaneously
Hannah Renee McNabb, Hannah Renee McNabb, Hannah Renee McNabb, Hannah Renee McNabb
4 total number
Estados Unidos (Tullahoma)

The most generations of one family to skydive simultaneously is 4, and was achieved by Lucien Boyd McNabb Jr, Randall Scott McNabb Sr, Brad Carter McNabb, and Hannah Renee McNabb (all USA) in Tullahoma, Tennessee, USA, on 26 June 2021.

The McNabb family were inspired by 'Buddy' McNabb and his previous Guinness World Records attempt of jumping out of a plane at the age of 80. 'Buddy', now 90 years of age, was a key member of the team. "There are more generations on the way, and dad is very healthy for 90. Maybe at some point we can get 5 generations to go out that door."

"I can remember as a child that one of the books that were super popular in school was the “Guinness World Records book". Kids would check it out of the library, and we would literally sit around and go through the different records together. It was an encyclopedia of cool stuff for kids to aspire to. From a young age, I always thought it would be cool to have a spot in the “Guinness World Records book.”