Most photos of refrigerators uploaded to Weibo in one hour
Hisense Ronshen (Guangdong) Refrigerator Marketing Co., Ltd.
883 total number
China continental (Qingdao)

The most photos of refrigerators uploaded to Weibo in one hour is 883 and was achieved by Hisense Ronshen (Guangdong) Refrigerator Marketing Co., Ltd. (China) in Qingdao, Shandong, China, on 27 August 2020.

Ronshen launched its new refrigerator series named WILL at the end of last year. Will stands for Water +Ion+Light=Life, which reflects its ability to keep contents of the fridge fresh. To further promote this, the company attempted this record to encourage participants to upload seven photos recording the growth of a wheat seedling in their WILL refrigerator across the period of one week. All of the participants were employees of Hisense around China.