Fastest time to travel to all Munich U-Bahn metro stations
Lorenz Wünsch, Till Rasche
04:19:21 hour(s), minute(s), second(s)
Alemania (Munich)
Restricción de edad: Sólo se aceptarán solicitudes para este título de récord si el solicitante tiene 16 años o más.

The fastest time to travel to all Munich U-Bahn metro stations is 4 hr 19 min 21 sec and was achieved by Lorenz Wünsch and Till Rasche (both Germany), in Munich, Germany, on 21 April 2022.

Lorenz and Till were inspired by the record for the fastest time to travel to all London Underground stations. Their attempt began at Garching-Forschungszentrum and ended at Messestadt Ost.