Longest videogame marathon playing a real-time strategy game
Francisco Javier Muros Ponce, Carlos García Muñiz
50:21:05 hour(s), minute(s), second(s)
España (Seville)
Restricción de edad: Sólo se aceptarán solicitudes para este título de récord si el solicitante tiene 16 años o más.

The longest videogame marathon playing a real-time strategy game is 50 hr 21 min 5 sec, and was achieved by Francisco Javier Muros Ponce and Carlos García Muñiz (both Spain) in Seville, Spain, from 5 to 7 December 2020.

Francisco Javier and Carlos played Starcraft for the duration of the attempt and surpassed the previous record by over 6 hours. The pair are big fans of Guinness World Records and were motivated to give their all to achieve something great.