Most people using sand moulds simultaneously
Hisamitsu Center Co., Ltd
293 people
Japón (Kamimine, Saga, Japan)

The most people using sand moulds simultaneously is 293 and was achieved by Hisamitsu Center Co., Ltd, (Japan) at Hiyoko Kodomo En Kamimine in Kamimine, Saga, Japan, on 10 March 2024.

The client, Hisamitsu Center is a company that disinfects sandboxes at children's facilities such as kindergartens, nursery schools, and children's centers to provide children a clean and safe sandbox playing environment. In an effort to spread the awareness of disinfecting sandboxes, they wanted to create a Guinness World record which involved people safely playing in the sandbox.

They worked together with Hiyoko Kodomo En Kamimine, a children's daycare facility. Approximately 70 kindergarten-aged children participated in this attempt.