Most full contact knee strikes in three minutes (one leg) (female)
Heer Vasanwala
272 total number
India (Navsari)

The most full contact knee strikes in three minutes (one leg) (female) is 272, achieved by Heer Vasanwala (India) in Navsari, Gujarat, India, on 24 December 2021.

Heer (14) was inspired by her teacher Vispi Kasad (India), who has previously achieved a number of Guinness World Records titles.

On the prospect of achieving a Guinness World Records title, she said it "will will mean everything to me and my family who always supported me in any thing I do. Getting a GWR title is the biggest dream come true for me as they are very tough to achieve. I want to dedicate this record to my family, my karate teacher Vispi Kasad and my county."