First carbon-neutral gas power station
Net Power
first first
Estados Unidos (La Porte)

On May 30th 2018, start-up energy company, Net Power, La Porte, Texas, USA, achieved a major milestone in running a natural gas powered power station with zero carbon emissions back in to the atmosphere. The system works by driving a turbine with a loop of hot, pressurized CO2 in a scientific technique known as an Allam cycle. It is the CO2, rather than steam in a conventional gas powered facility, that is heated by a burning mixture of natural gas and oxygen (which is extracted from the atmosphere in a separate facility). The additional CO2 produced by burning the gas is siphoned off to keep the system in balance. The excess CO2 is already contained and not vented to the atmosphere and hence can be processed to avoid atmospheric pollution. New Power's unique technique was demonstrated in this prototype 25 megawatt electricity generating station, but already is demonstrating that the running costs are as cheap as standard natural gas power stations.