Largest ride-on toy vehicle brand - retail RSP, current
  • This record is for the ride-on toy vehicle brand in terms of revenue generated by the RSP retail sale of ride-on toy vehicles within the latest available annual data.
  • This record is based on the revenue generated by the RSP retail sale of ride-on toy vehicles within the latest available annual data. For the purpose of this record, ride-on vehicles are defined as any toy usually resembling a motorised/mechanised vehicle, which is large enough for a child to sit and ride on. Ride-on vehicles can be either propelled through the use of pedals/feet or via a small electric engine. Also includes toy wagons, stationery ride-on toys such as Sit & Spin, rockers, rocking horses, and hobby-horses. Bicycles, tricycles (trikes), skateboards and scooters are excluded.